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Michael A. Nichols

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Wesley Mountain is retired LAPD officer Michael A. Nichols pen name. According to Michael Nichols, his “career in law enforcement gave him an interest in solving crimes. His leadership experience as an elder in his local church has also increased his understanding of the need for knowing God and His Word - key factors in all his books. He manages a Christian stewardship ministry and is president of Man-West Enterprises, Inc.

Michael A. Nichols is the author of eight books: Shouting Stones; Who Is In Control?; Amazing Ride; Our Heavenly Home; Heading Home To Heaven; Priceless Power of Prayer; Basic Bible Prophecy; and, Discovering Divine Diamonds.

According to the book description of Amazing Ride, “This is another book by this author that supports God's sovereignty. It is an easy reading description of the "amazing ride" that Christians are privileged to enjoy with Jesus Christ in the driver's seat. God is in charge from the starting gun to the finish line. The reader will learn biblical truths about God's attributes, Christ's atonement, and man's future. The book explains that Christians will be experiencing life on this earth in a way that is much different than many popular books and movies are telling us. The author shows exactly what Jesus taught His disciples about their future. You will discover new scriptural insights about the Millennium, Antichrist, Tribulation, Armageddon, etc. The "cross" has dramatically changed history. The victory has been won. The reader will be enlightened about the future and encouraged about how each of us should now live.”

According to the book description of Discovering Divine Diamonds, “This book is written to help those who want to better understand the foundational doctrines of the Christian faith. It includes four separate studies. The first is about the Scriptures. Where did they come from? How were they chosen? Why are they so special? The second study is about Salvation. What is involved in becoming a Christian? What are the proofs of the Resurrection of Christ? What does the new life in Christ really mean? The third study is about the deity of Christ. Is Jesus really God? How is He our Savior? The fourth study is about the Trinity. How can we explain Three Persons and only One God? What are the proofs of the Trinity? The author examines these doctrines in a clear and concise manner. You will find that this book strengthens your faith and is a useful tool for Discovering Divine Diamonds.”

According to the book description of Heading Home To Heaven, “The Bible describes a highway in Heaven created for peaceful walks of the redeemed. We will find a clear dynamic river, many special fruit trees, and God’’ powerful glory throughout. There is no sadness, sickness, or death. It has personal abiding places that will be perfectly suited for each one of us. The author reports what is in store for us in our heavenly home. This book is a tour guide that takes us from here to there. It explains some very heavy biblical truths and makes it clear that God is in charge of Heaven, not man. The author also conveys how awesome our God really is and how precious His plans are for His people. This book is the result of decades of research and study. It is comforting to discover God’s eternal plans for us as we travel through life while Heading Home to Heaven.”

According to the book description of Our Heavenly Home, “This book is a biblical look into the future. It is an easy reading study of what awaits us in heaven. It also examines the subject of eschatology. The author offers refreshing insights from a solidly scriptural perspective. The reader will discover biblical truths about death, resurrection, the second coming of Christ, the millennium, divine judgments and the eternal state. Christians will go through the tribulation, but they will be completely protected by the Lord. We will not experience any of God’s wrath. This book is also a call for God’s elect people to get serious about serving Christ during these last days. This involves being stronger Christian soldiers for the kingdom of God. We are on the winning side and, under the control of the Holy Spirit, we need to be more effective in all areas of our lives and culture. Exciting blessings are ahead at Our Heavenly Home.”

According to the book description of Who Is In Control? “After the death of his twenty-seven-year-old daughter, the author began to research the scriptural teachings about who is in charge of these tragedies. His beloved daughter and three other Christian youth workers were killed in a traffic accident in 1996. This happened on the way to a church retreat. Instead of blaming God for her death, the author has been able to praise Him. The biblical truth jumped out of the pages of the Bible that God is in control of everything that happens. God had sovereignty taken Cathy home. The case for God’s absolute control over everything, even the 9-11 terrorist attacks, is presented in Part I of this book. Some of the positions taken by the author were debated by another respected Bible teacher. This debate information, which took place over several months, is included in Part II of this book. The author generally supports historic Calvinism and proves that God, not Satan, is in complete control.”

Our Heavenly Home
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Discovering Divine Diamonds
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Amazing Ride
Wesley Mountain  More Info

Wesley Mountain  More Info

Wesley Mountain  More Info

Priceless Power of Prayer
Wesley Mountain  More Info

Who Is In Control?
Wesley Mountain  More Info

Heading Home To Heaven
Wesley Mountain  More Info

According to the book description of Priceless Power of Prayer, “When you suddenly discover that your healthy, precious daughter may need a heart and lung transplant and has a rare fatal disease, what do you do? For the author, he and his wife go to their knees and cry out to God for His mercy and grace. This book is a study on prayer. It answers the questions of who, what, where, when, why, and how of prayer. The Bible paints a clear picture that God is sovereign. At the same time, He commands us to pray. The outcome is already known by God, but He brings comfort to us as He listens to our continuing prayers. All of the dos and don’ts of prayer are described in this book. This should be a valuable resource tool for you and your family to use in understanding the Priceless Power of Prayer.”

According to the book description of Shouting Stones, “Enjoy the adventures of a young Christian man in the beautiful Hood River Valley, Oregon. Solve a murder mystery and discover Bible truths.”

From the History of the Los Angeles Police Department (lapdonline.org)

A highlight of Chief Steckel's term occurred in 1931 with the implementation of what was called "the most modern municipal police radio system in the world." Officers using the call letters KGPL manned eight City Hall switchboards. The transmitter was located in Elysian Park. Citizen calls were broadcast to officers in 44 patrol cars with two-way conversation perfected in 1938. Police response anywhere in the City could be effected in less than three minutes.

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