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Winnebago County Sheriff's Office

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Gabe Rodriguez

About the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office

The Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office is a full-service law enforcement agency organized into an Administrative Services, Corrections, Patrol Bureau and Detective Bureau. The Patrol Bureau of the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office contain the Uniform Services Division.  According to the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office, the “Uniformed Services Division’s primary function is to provide police services to the citizens of unincorporated Winnebago County. The Uniformed Services Division is responsible for overall supervision of the Special Operations Section as well. Technology continues to drive changes for the Patrol Bureau. Officers can now access information such as police reports, arrest records, citation, Orders of Protection, warrants and sex offenders all from the laptop in their squads. In addition, there are aerial maps of the county, with maps of all “hot spots,” including potential targets of terrorism, sex offenders and high crime areas all accessible from within the squad car. Officers can also conduct name, date of birth, partial license plate, nickname, gang affiliation, address and mug shot searches from their laptops.

Books authored by law enforcement officials of the Winnebago County Sheriff's Department:

Vengeance: The Wrath of Angels: The Blue Community (Volume 1)
G. B. Rodriguez  More Info

The Patrol Bureau now employs a wireless system for its squad cars where officers can write and submit police reports and crash reports electronically. In addition to this, printers have been installed in all marked squads so tow-in reports and crash reports can be printed out while on scene. In the near future traffic citations will be computer generated and printed from the squad cars as well.”

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